
Fight or Flight

Available online: 24/03/2024
Play trailer
Director Jody Geijsendorpher
Netherlands 2023
12 minutes
english, italian, and russian


In a dystopian world, freedom comes with ranking. An MMA fighter is about to step on the ring when his social anxiety disorder takes over. The only way he knows how to deal with his fears is to either fight or flight, but this only takes him further away from winning the game.

This film is currently not available.

In a dystopian world, freedom comes with ranking. An MMA fighter is about to step on the ring when his social anxiety disorder takes over. The only way he knows how to deal with his fears is to either fight or flight, but this only takes him further away from winning the game.

Full credits

New Dutch
Jody Geijsendorpher
Production countries
Production year
12 minutes
Julian Pattinama

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