
Terra Mater - Motherland

Director Kantarama Gahigiri
Switzerland and Rwanda 2023
10 minutes
Technology and waste, in our lands, in our systems, in our bones.


There she stands, confidently, like a goddess of technological junk, surrounded by endless mountains of rubbish, plastic, stench and rare earth minerals. An angry appeal to the world to take responsibility for the consequences of capitalism, colonialism and environmental destruction in Africa.

This film is currently not available.

There she stands, confidently, like a goddess of technological junk, surrounded by endless mountains of rubbish, plastic, stench and rare earth minerals. An angry appeal to the world to take responsibility for the consequences of capitalism, colonialism and environmental destruction in Africa.

Full credits

Breaking the Chains and Out of Competition
Kantarama Gahigiri
Production countries
Rwanda and Switzerland
Production year
10 minutes
Daniel Bleuer
Sudu Connexion

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