
Two To Tango

Available online: 23/03/2024
Play trailer
Director Dimitri Sterkens
Choreographer Anibal Lautaro
Belgium 2021
18 minutes
Twaalf wereldleiders komen bijeen en dansen een dodelijke tango.


Twelve world leaders assemble in a war room to play a game on life and death in which they have to dance tango. Last man standing.

This film is part of the online program but is not accessible on the territory of Belgium.

This film is currently not available.

Twelve world leaders assemble in a war room to play a game on life and death in which they have to dance tango. Last man standing.

This film is part of the online program but is not accessible on the territory of Belgium.

Full credits

International Short Film Competition
Dimitri Sterkens
Anibal Lautaro
Production countries
Production year
18 minutes
Xavier Rombaut ( Polar Bear)
L'Agence belge du court-métrage

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