
Crni Tito - Blaq Tito Addressing the Parliament of Ghosts

Director Christian Guerematchi
Choreographer Christian Guerematchi
Ghana and Netherlands 2022
11 minutes
English and Serbo-Croatian
A figure of a Blaq Tito appears in the big and empty underground structure of a former silo in Tamale, Ghana.


A figure of a black Tito appears in the big and empty underground structure of a former silo in Tamale, Ghana. He visits the people of the country by plane and rickshaw to spread his message and joins the Parliament of Ghosts in session. An artistic interaction between NAM – Non Aligned Movement by Christian Guerematchi and the Parliament of Ghosts by Ibrahim Mahama. Both works speak about forgotten histories and the contemporary echoes of the cultural connections from the time of the Non-Aligned Movement between Ghana and Yugoslavia – Nkrumah and Tito.

This film is currently not available.

A figure of a black Tito appears in the big and empty underground structure of a former silo in Tamale, Ghana. He visits the people of the country by plane and rickshaw to spread his message and joins the Parliament of Ghosts in session. An artistic interaction between NAM – Non Aligned Movement by Christian Guerematchi and the Parliament of Ghosts by Ibrahim Mahama. Both works speak about forgotten histories and the contemporary echoes of the cultural connections from the time of the Non-Aligned Movement between Ghana and Yugoslavia – Nkrumah and Tito.

Full credits

Breaking the Chains
Christian Guerematchi
Christian Guerematchi
Production countries
Ghana and Netherlands
Production year
11 minutes
ICK Amsterdam, FPK - Performing arts Fund NL, SCCA, Tamale Red Clay Studio, Nkrumah voli-ni

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