

Available online: 25/03/2024
Director Marc Aziz Ressang, Nathaniel J Brown
Choreographer Siko Setyanto
Indonesia 2022
3 minutes
Set in the flooded villages of Java, Indonesia, *Leleb* is dedicated to those who endure.


Set in the flooded villages of Java, Indonesia, this dance film attempts to come to terms with the despair that surrounds a disappearing home. Leleb is dedicated to those who endure.

This film is currently not available.

Set in the flooded villages of Java, Indonesia, this dance film attempts to come to terms with the despair that surrounds a disappearing home. Leleb is dedicated to those who endure.

Full credits

International Short Film Competition
Marc Aziz Ressang, Nathaniel J Brown
Siko Setyanto
Production countries
Production year
3 minutes
Marc Aziz Ressang

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